32 weeks 2 days (maybe 3)
Here is my to-do list:
Turn in project
Of course, that one little thing involves driving across town in the ice storm that they are predicting...
I don't care. I am done!! The project is printing as we speak, but it was too big to email to the professor as a digital file, so out into the ice I will go tomorrow.
I bought yarn to finally make a blanket for the baby. Tomorrow is going to involve laying in bed, crocheting, playing on the computer and sleeping. maybe I will drink some hot chocolate.
I might even take Friday off too.
Then, Saturday, the cleaning and organizing for the baby can begin.
I must say, I am really glad I started school this semester, while pregnant, rather than waiting until next year with a 6 month old. I really feel like I accomplished something for me by getting started in school, and if I had been working, I think I would have felt like I was biding time until the baby was born. Now, I am one quarter of the way done with my coursework which will make it that much easier to finish with a small child.
It sounds weird to think that going to school was my selfish act before having a baby, but I love being in school, and it has given me a great opportunity to have me-time since my schedule was so self-dictated.
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